How to access Hikvision CCTV from your mobile.
Downloading the Hik-Connect app for mobile
1. Download the Hik-Connect app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
The app will look like this:
2. Once downloaded, open the app, and select United Kingdom as the region.
Click the + at the top left and select “Add device manually”
3. Complete with the following settings:
Adding type: IP/Domain
Alias: Anything that allows you to recognise this device
Address: as provided by your installer
Port: 8000 or as advised by your provider
Username & Password: as advised by your provider
4. Hit Save at the top right.
5. Click Start live view.
Controlling the cameras and how to work the app
Once on Hik-Connect go to the home tab at the bottom of the screen.
You will be able to see your cameras from here, if you click on a camera, it will show you the live view, along with some controls.
Pause and play the live view.
Turn on or off the audio *
Change the quality of the video *
Change the view show more or less cameras on the screen.
Make the video full screen or not.
Change the mode to Playback.
Capture a screenshot
Records the video
Enables and disables two way audio. *
Opens the PTZ Control for the camera. *
* NOTE: Some or all these features may not work depending on the model of your camera.
When you open the playback feature, you will be presented with the following controls.
Pause and play the recording.
Turn on or off the audio.
Zoom in and out (you can also pinch with your fingers).
Change the view show more or less cameras on the screen.
Makes the video full screen or not.
Change the mode to Live View.
Captures a screenshot.
Records the video.
Changes the playback speed.
Changes the quality of the video.
Choose a date to playback from.
Choose different segments to skip to
Scrub forwards and backwards to different times.
Skip backwards 10 seconds.
Select the exact time of recording.
Skip forward 10 seconds.
NOTE: Some or all these features may not work depending on the model of your camera.